Please note: the service contract for this position will not be concluded with Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH but with GULP Consulting Services GmbH

Boehringer Ingelheim

Technology Consultant (m-f-n)

Posted Mar 4, 2021
Project ID: BIJP00000590
Ingelheim am Rhein
16 hrs/week
6 months
Starts: Mar 22, 2021
Ends: Sep 17, 2021
Payrate range

Projektname /project name Development of BI X Scouting Service

Projektbeschreibung /project description

The service requested is to compliment the further development of scouting processes of BI X Scouting team.

Scouting is looking externally for digital healthcare trends, insights, technologies, potential collaboration partners (e.g. startups, scaleups, tech companies), business models and collects market information from different open sources and platforms. The goal is to support in developing and sculpting digital healthcare innovation projects.

Based on this information the BI stakeholders will specify a specific demand of the project.

The value for BI is to bring information that supports in digital healthcare innovation projects.

Task description:  

First task:

o   Scouting assignment

Collecting in-depth digital health market landscape, business model, technology information and potential partners from the external environment. Collection of resources is based on specific knowledge of the freelancer. The topics will be determined by the BI X scouting team.

-   The collected information will be analysed according to a generated framework and consolidated information is represented in a report format.

-   Anaysis of the collected material includes comparing the different actors in the market, analysing the strengths and weaknesses of the actors, gaps in the market, collecting information of business models, finding and analysing potential partners (startups, scaleups and tech companies) upon their suitability by technology and maturity to collaborate with.

-   The result is a scouting report based on a BI template, that will be handed over to BI.

Second task:

o   Trend radar report:

-   Collecting in-depth information around topical healthcare trends. Collection of resources is based on specific knowledge of the freelancer.

-   Consolidating the information into a report format.

-   Analysing the consolidated information upon gaps and opportunities and threats of the trends between BI s current operations.

-   Result is a trend report based on a BI template, which will be handed over to BI.

Third task:

o   Innovation/ acceleration programme management

-   Managing an innovation/accelerator programme includes coordinating the programme activities. The management is expected to follow the project plan delivered by BI.

-   Answering to external inquiries of programme progress, application status or general information need based on existing material and the project plan

-   Consolidating innovation initiative information submitted by external parties to be evaluated by BI based on project plan and available material.

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