Please note: the service contract for this position will not be concluded with Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH but with GULP Consulting Services GmbH

Boehringer Ingelheim

Scrum master (m/f/n)

Posted Dec 10, 2021
Project ID: BIJP00000714
Ingelheim am Rhein
40 hrs/week
3 months
Starts: Jan 17, 2022
Ends: Apr 29, 2022
Payrate range
Application Deadline: Jan 17, 2022 12:00 AM

As part of, we plan to develop a solution that would prevent unwanted events in BI's production chain by switching from retrospective data assessment to automatic control and trend prediction based on data provided by BI's supplier. This includes, among other things, working in the connected fashion with stakeholders, including them as part of the team when necessary to improve efficiency of discover and set up pilot projects with customers to test the solution at scale.

We do not have our own employees with sufficient expertise in connection pilot setup and scaling and for this reason requires external expertise.

The contractor used by us has extensive experience with product owner coaching, stakeholder management, and coaching team to navigate through highly complex uncertain environments. Therefore the contractor has a unique position and provides significantly different services than the internal staff.

Role description:

The team composition is around 7 people, including UX designer, BE engineer, FE engineer, and Data Scientist. The team members know each other as they have previously worked together in the past MVPs. Product Owner is a business expert without a digital/tech or Agile competency.

We work towards the product vision and product-specific milesotnes in agile manner. They operate in time-boxed iterations ("sprints") 2-3 weeks long each having its goal defined collaboratively by the team and the product owner.
The following ceremonies in addition to ad-hoc meetings:
1. Daily standup, 15 mins every weekday
During the daily standup, all team members exchange on their progress towards the sprint goals, raise blockers and adapt the course of action if necessary to achieve sprint goals.
2. Biweeky Sprint Review, on average 60 mins, with all stakeholders. During the sprint review, the team inspects the product increment developed during the sprint and the findings generates as a result of the research, if necessary. Team also presents to the stakeholders an overview of the work done during the sprint, and answers their questions. 
3. Biweekly Sprint Retrospective, on average 2 hours. All team members discuss how the previous sprint went, what challenges occurred and actions for the next sprint are defined to ensure continuous improvements of the teams processes.
4. Biweekly Sprint Planning, 2 hours. The Product Owner and the Development Team define what will be the tasks for the next sprint, based on the availability, priorities and users feedback.

After those meetings the contractor works iteratively 

Tasks of the Scrum Master/Agile Coach:

-   Coach cross-functional product team to high-performance and guide them including a junior product owner through the process of developing and validating a digital health product until it is either handed over to the running organization or qualified as a medical device software and transferred for further development under the design control

-   Lead team building activities to bring the newly formed group of people to a “team” state 
-   Coaching, teaching and facilitating the team and especially Product Owner (PO) in structuring their activities to define roadmap, building good experiments to validate key product-market fit hypotheses in a pilot setting with real product user
-   Keep the team's focus and ruthless prioritization of tasks 
-   Consult the team and Product Owner in calculating economic value of the future product and developing a business case to present to the stakeholder committees to inform their investment decision.
-   Coaching the team to execute defined meetings like described above
-   Making pitches and other communication to the stakeholders
-   Consult PO in stakeholder management and pair with PO to liaise with pilot projects
-   Teach, coach and facilitate team in setting up and maintaining product OKRs
-   Coach team in the responsibility process to remove impediments and escalate to the Leadership Team where appropriate

The tools available include:
MS Teams and the Microsoft 365 suite of online tools

Possible timelines to be kept
We expect the following delivery cadence:

-   Bi-weekly sprint planning sessions
-   Bi-weekly review presentations
-   Bi-weekly grooming sessions
-   Bi-weekly retrospective team learnings and team process adjustments.

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