Please note: the service contract for this position will not be concluded with Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH but with GULP Consulting Services GmbH

Boehringer Ingelheim

Project Manager - Customer Experience (m-f-n)

Posted Mar 26, 2021
Project ID: BIJP00000598
Ingelheim am Rhein
40 hrs/week
9 months
Starts: Apr 1, 2021
Ends: Dec 31, 2021
Payrate range

Project name: Customer Experience (CX) Community Management 2021

Project description:

The service is requested as part of the project CX Community Management. The project has the purpose to ensure strong CX community engagement with the purpose to drive CX transformation implementation globally.


Preparation and follow up for key meetings:

- Monthly CX country calls

° Facilitating global/local CX communication via Teams (countries channels) through responding to or facilitate questions and discussions in Regional Operating Unit (R)OPU Channel

° Preparing monthly country call [Inserting local updates on achievements, issues in roadmap]

° Conducting monthly country call [Scheduling call with local CX lead + their team, country liaison, and Regional Business Manager (RBM); Tracking open action items; Updating roadmap incl. risks and achievements; Consulting on context and trap action for improvement]

° Recording/updating action items

- CX priorities identification and roadmaps sign off

° Updating date and prioritization type in CX Navigator planning overview

° Preparing templates & guidance for conducting the workshop session, which will be checked and approved by BI

° Conducting sessions, facilitating exchange and creating Session outcome summary with actions

° Capturing action item and adding each action item to Planner in CX Transformation Team in the respective (R)OPU action item bucket

° Processing roadmap development and sign-off [Independent consulting on how to use Excel roadmap template; Providing link to sign-off deck; Professional consulting on process to roadmap sign-off; Using next country call as sign-off meeting between local and global; Conducting consolidated RBM roadmap sign-offs: one for Europe and Canada (EUCAN), one for Asia Latin America Middle East and Africa (ALAMEA) regions]

- Providing inputs / preparing key meetings: global CX/IT steerco, GBS alignment

° Professional consulting on content in weekly status meeting (Global CX Team Meeting) & preparing required slides [Content: Cross-(R)OPU risks slide from monthly report; Community KPIs (Analytics Section), Governance KPIs (based on country call and onboarding processes) incl. action item governance, consolidated comments from Local implementation KPIs (Veeva)]

° Sharing monthly CX report with SteerCo

° Consolidating list of topics that relate to Global Business Solutions(GBS) from country call insights and create the Next agenda suggestion based on meeting outcome

° Capturing discussed action items

- Process Improvement / automation

° Investigating approach & tools for increased Project Management Office (PMO) process automation

° Developing concept for suggested automation approach [Creating new KPI tracking and reporting methods; Streamlining the creation of standardized reports for each of: Global CX Team Meeting, RBM Huddle, and CX/IT SteerCo]

° Integrating automation elements into PMO processes [Testing automation in "CX Core Team" where applicable with reduced audience; Fine-tuning automation; Transfering automation to "CX Transformation Team" and running transfer test.; Communicating new automation aspects to team; Running automation pilot and collecting feedback; Improving automated processes over time based on feedback]

Maintaining relevant documents up to date:

- CX country roadmaps

° Creating summary of cross-R/OPU insights and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs )

- Maintaining action log

° Consolidating CX roadmaps in Excel [Pasting each roadmap into a single consolidated roadmap and uploading consolidated roadmap onto Teams]

° Updating MS Teams playbook

° Updating new joiners Onboarding Deck & Checklist

Creating standard regular reports:

- Monthly CX transformational report /Action item maintenance

° Updating action item status in Planner & sending reminders for late ones [Deploying automated action item reminder; Consolidating trends for challenges to completing action items

- PMO KPIs tracker / All markets consolidated roadmaps, CX transformation overall KPIs

° tracking CX transformation PMO KPIs

° creating cross country overall CX transformation status KPI

CX community engagement hygiene and Platform maintenance:

- Maintaining the hygiene of our CX MSTeams sites / Use CX transformation mailbox and account

° Managing incoming mails & meeting invites and organizing meetings based on invitees schedules

- Leveraging MSTeams to engage the community to share info, insights & create engagement:

° Steering the hygiene of CX MSTeams sites [Reviewing materials saved in MSTeams CX community hub, organizing them and providing ideas to optimize information saving and navigation]

° Professional consulting on simple interventions to increase community engagement in MS Teams [Posting once per week about CX transformation update on CX Community hub, sharing relevant information and suggesting further interventions to increase engagement]

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