Please note: the service contract for this position will not be concluded with Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH but with GULP Consulting Services GmbH

Boehringer Ingelheim

Project Manager (m/f/n)

Posted Dec 22, 2020
Project ID: BIJP00000544
Biberach/ Riß
28 hrs/week
8 months
Starts: Jan 1, 2021
Ends: Aug 31, 2021
Payrate range

DaVinci - Data Access and dynamic Visualization for Clinical Insights is a framework offering dynamic tools with analytics and visualization functionalities to support data-based discussions, insights and agile decision making in clinical development projects.

The main objective of the project is to provide a GCP compliant platform to dynamically review, aggregate and visualize patient data in order to enable smart decisions.

For clinical trial professionals in OneMedicince who need real time access to clinical trial data and tools to dynamically review, aggregate and visualize patient data in order to make smart decisions, DaVinci acts as an App Warehouse and community of practice.

Based on harmonized data concepts (across TAs and trials), it provides and maintains GCP modules for data review and analysis, which can easily be combined and customized into trial specific dashboards by the user.

Unlike multiple static outputs such as SAS-based tables listings and figures presented in PDF, DaVinci offers focused real time access to data and dynamic visualization with deep-dive possibilities and the flexibility to ad hoc add/remove modules as needed.

The scope of the DaVinci Phase 2 project will cover in detail:

  • Process on usage interactive data visualization tools in GxP environment (incl. validation framework)
  • App Warehouse: Design and implement a unified platform to deploy apps (e.g. R-Shiny) related to clinical drug development. Furthermore provision of a catalog to allow customers to search for the respective apps including the Graphical User Interface (GUI)
  • Appropriate access control management and governance (apps and underlying data).
  • Concept of designing and maintaining apps to translate the medical needs into clinical insights generation.
  • Development of validated apps in a modular approach

The governance lifecycle for IT projects at BI is the framework for this project with project management approach Scrum. Sprint length is three weeks. The agile development of the project is done by three internationally distributed teams as well as by teams of further external contractors following the Scrum Framework.

The contractor is responsible for the successful implementation of agile practices for project management and the Scrum Framework for development in DaVinci.

In order to do this, the contractor will organize and facilitate the following ceremonies for each team:

1.   Daily standup: During the daily standup, the team members provide an update on the planned tasks in order to achieve the sprint goal.

2.   Sprint Planning (every third week): The Product Owner and the Development Team are defining what will be the tasks for the next sprint, based on the availability, work effort and users? feedback.

3.   Weekly Backlog Refinement. The product backlog is being reviewed and the tasks are being reprioritized if necessary.

4.   Sprint Review (every third week): All teams present the achievements of the sprint and gather customers feedback.

5.   Sprint Retrospective (every third week): All team members discuss how the previous sprint went, what challenges occurred and actions for the next sprint are defined.

In addition to the ceremonies and meetings, the contractor acts as coach and consult to the different roles in DaVinci Phase-2 / Scrum Framework.

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