Please note: the service contract for this position will not be concluded with Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH but with GULP Consulting Services GmbH

Boehringer Ingelheim

Developer (m/f/n)

Posted Nov 11, 2022
Project ID: BIJP00000888
Ingelheim am Rhein
40 hrs/week
3 months
Starts: Nov 21, 2022
Ends: Feb 21, 2023
Payrate range
1. Project name 
2. Project description 
Crystal is an analytics software product for clinical trial operation that visualizes complex operational clinical trial data. It provides transparency and monitoring into our clinical trial performance.  
With Crystal we: 
   ?   oversee project and trial planning and actual conduct in real-time,  
   ?   accelerate understanding of progress and risk, 
   ?   gain agility in collaboration and speed up decisions, 
   ?   take well informed actions based on insights and predictions to prevent issues, 
   ?   see opportunities to speed up and prevent delays. 
Crystal is developed using Agile methodology, a blend of scrum and Kanban. 
3. Background to the assignment 
The product aims to visualize complex data stories in compelling ways, utilizing data visualization and data storytelling best practices in graphs, charts, infographics, dashboards, and geographic visualization techniques. 
As the product team does not have these skills internally, we seek to have the tasks completed by an external consultant (freelancer). The freelancer will hold a unique position within the development teams. 
The consultant will work in 2-week Agile sprints, with the following ceremonies in addition to ad-hoc meetings: 
? Daily standup - During the daily standup, all team members provide an update on the tasks they have worked on the previous day. After that, the contractor works iteratively on their tasks. 
? Biweekly Sprint Review - During the sprint review, the team presents to the stakeholders an overview of the work done during the sprint and answers their questions. After that, the contractor works iteratively on his tasks. 
? Biweekly Sprint Retrospective - All team members discuss how the previous sprint went, what challenges occurred and actions for the next sprint are defined. The contractor will also provide their input in the discussion. After that, the contractor works iteratively on their tasks. 
? Biweekly Sprint Planning - Product Owner and the Development Team define what will be the tasks for the next sprint, based on the availability, priorities, and user feedback. After that, the contractor works iteratively on their tasks. 
All tasks and results will be documented in Jira/Confluence.  
The contractor will be focusing on the tasks below: 
   ?   Create JavaScript based user interfaces and data visualizations based on designs and prototypes provided by UX Design. 
   ?   Build reusable code and libraries for future use 
   ?   Review the technical feasibility of UI/UX designs 
   ?   Optimize Crystal application for maximum speed and scalability 
   ?   Utilize git for version control and perform code reviews along with paired programming for creating robust code with low tech debt. 
   ?   Update docker images to facilitate the CI/CD enabled git repository and a Jenkins workflow with a Jenkins file. 
   ?   Create automated testing to include unit as well as functional testing. 

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