Please note: the service contract for this position will not be concluded with Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH but with GULP Consulting Services GmbH

Boehringer Ingelheim

Developer (m-f-n)

Posted Feb 8, 2021
Project ID: BIJP00000572
Ingelheim am Rhein
40 hrs/week
10 months
Starts: Mar 1, 2021
Ends: Dec 31, 2021
Payrate range

Project name

AWS - Amazon Web Services with Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Project description

The service is requested as part of our initiative to architect, design and deploy already existing and new AWS Services with Infrastructure as Code (IaC). The project has the purpose to build cloud infrastructure as code, to support infrastructure and business use cases. The value of this project is to build/run qualified environments for the infrastructure and business in the cloud, to enable them to reduce their costs and shorten the time to market.

Project Management

We're using Kanban as a method to do agile project management and the tasks have to follow a defined workflow, with the following ceremonies:

-   Standups, 15 mins 5 days a week at 2:00 pm CET. During the daily standup, all team members provide an update on the tasks they have worked on the previous day. After that, the contractor works iteratively on his tasks.

-   Weekly planning session, 1-2 hours at 3:00 pm CET. The Product Owner and the Development Team are defining what is the current task status, what challenges occurred and what are tasks for the next release. After that, the contractor works iteratively on his tasks.

Concretely, detailed task description without personal reference, which reveals the independency of the service provision

The performance of the contractor has the goal to:

-   To design and coordinate AWS cloud architecture, based on the stories/tasks identified in our regular planning sessions, which includes:

o   Establishing best practices for utilizing and deploying the various AWS services and features.

o   Coordinating defined activities from the Kanban Board to deliver on the vision of the AWS architecture design.

o   Executing code reviews/feedback (Bitbucket), to follow our existing coding guidelines for blueprints and stacks, to meet the requirements of the AWS Architecture design. Code will be delivered from our coding team.

o   Provide architectural consultancy for Use Cases from the Business to align with best practices defined by the team. Use Case have to be defined and tracked in the Kanban Board.

-   Independent development of terraform modules (BI term: Blueprints and Stacks) to deploy infrastructure in the cloud for AWS, by using the following languages:

o   HashiCorp Language (HCL)

o   Ruby

o   Python

o   Bash

o   GiT

o   Cinc Auditor (Inspec)


o   AWS SDKs

o   AWS Cloudformation

?    Required ToDo's:

o   Independent development of terraform modules (BI blueprints)

o   Combine multiple terraform modules (BI stack), with defined inputs and outputs, as a description of the use case in code

o   Write valid test cases for BI blueprints and stacks, by using BIs test driven development framework.

o   Release, versioning and commit code into Bitbucket or Git (Continuous integration and continuous deployment CI/CD).

o   Deploy stacks via our Jenkins Pipeline

o   Track the progress of the development in our KANBAN agile project management framework.

o   Independent troubleshooting and error handling of the developed code and deployment.

o   Reviewing existing code and pull requests

o   Contribute and document all developed code into our code repository

o   Independent execution of spikes and design sessions for new use cases

o   Documentation of investigations, tests, results and design in Confluence.

-   Independent scheduling/tracking of workloads, by using our tools:

o   Microsoft 365 & MS Teams

o   Atlassian Stack (Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket)

-   Independent professional training of our coding team in regards to our development infrastructure and coding guidelines.

Possible timelines to be kept

The timelines are to be adhered to by the contractor during the performance of the service, are defined during the project and documented/visualized in our Kanban Board.

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