Please note: the service contract for this position will not be concluded with Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH but with GULP Consulting Services GmbH

Boehringer Ingelheim

Developer (m-f-n)

Posted Jan 20, 2021
Project ID: BIJP00000556
Ingelheim am Rhein
31.25 hrs/week
11 months
Starts: Feb 1, 2021
Ends: Dec 31, 2021
Payrate range

Project description:

ASAP is an ingenious digital solution that will bring chemical process engineering for research-driven drug development here at Boehringer Ingelheim to the next level.

By employing user-centered data collection and powerful data visualization as well as complex computational models, our aim is to provide our users in the labs with a tool that seamlessly assists and guides them in their work to gain chemical process knowledge.

Description of working mode:

The working mode for the ASAP development is the agile development methodology. A core aspect of this methodology is that all people who are involved in a product development endeavor are self-sufficient and do not follow any specific instructions. The steps and ways how overarching goals are achieved can be defined by the consultant individually. This special combination of know-how is currently not available at Boehringer Ingelheim.

Iteratively (3 weeks timeframe) a defined scope will be commonly agreed upon which is being worked on together. The execution of the scope being worked upon will be organized by everybody individually and within the own responsibility.

Regular coordination meetings support the proper progress where the actual tasks are handled autonomously afterwards. These are the meetings:

- Sprint Planning: Every three weeks for about 2-3 hours in total at the beginning of the iteration

- Sprint Review I+II: Every three weeks for about 2 hours at the end of the iteration

- Sprint Retro: Every three weeks for about 2 hours at the end of the iteration

- Daily meeting: Daily Scrum for 15 and Post-Daily Scrum for 15 minutes

- Sprint refinement: Individual meetings during the iteration of about 2-4 hours

After the Sprint Planning the consultant will be working iteratively on this tasks.

Based on the results out of the Sprint Planning the contractor will independently on the following tasks:

-   Development of features and frontend services of the web application ASAP with the technologies Angular, Typescript, HTML5/CSS and GraphQL.

-   Creates ETL-pipelines und backend services in Python and Postgres for the application ASAP.

-   Creation of the related documentation of the developed frontend parts, ETL-pipelines, backend services and visualizations. The documents will be provided to Boehringer Ingelheim for review.

-   Writing of automated tests (unit tests) for features and services in the application ASAP on predefined requirements according to Sprint Backlog.

-   Realization of visualizations with D3 and ChartJS in application ASAP. on predefined requirements according to Sprint Backlog.

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