Please note: the service contract for this position will not be concluded with Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH but with GULP Consulting Services GmbH

Boehringer Ingelheim

Designer/Creative Support (User research) (m/f/n)

Posted Dec 22, 2021
Project ID: BIJP00000723
Ingelheim am Rhein
40 hrs/week
4 months
Starts: Jan 17, 2022
Ends: May 13, 2022
Payrate range
Application Deadline: Jan 17, 2022 12:00 PM

Project name: Equine Insulin

Project description

As part of the Equine Insulin and with our lab partners we want to identify and evaluate a technology to measure insulin easier than currently possible. This includes, among other things, the continuous discovery for the purpose of identifying user's unmet need. Consequently, we do not have our own employees with sufficient expertise in connection with user research and for this reason requires external expertise. This external expertise relates to extensive experience with user research methods that are required to define the problem statement and identify users' unmet needs, therefore the contractor has a unique position and provides significantly different services than the internal staff.

Background to the assignment

As part of the product team Equine Insulin, we evaluate a chip-based sensor that measures Insulin levels and alerts Owner and Vet thus preventing a painful disease

This includes, among other things, the continuous discovery for the purpose of identifying user's unmet need. For strategic reasons, we have decided to have the research done by external providers, as it does not have suitable resources and expertise for this internally. Because of this, the contractor holds a unique position and provides significantly different services than the internal staff.

Concrete, detailed description of services

We work in agile, blending scrum and kanban, in sprints of 2 weeks, with the following ceremonies in addition to ad-hoc meetings:
1. Daily standup, 30 mins every weekday, at 09:00
During the daily standup, all team members provide an update on the tasks they have worked on the previous day. After that, the contractor works iteratively on their tasks.
2. Biweekly Sprint Review, Wednesday afternoon, 60 mins, with all stakeholders. During the sprint review, the team presents to the stakeholders an overview of the work done during the sprint, and answers their questions. After that, the contractor works iteratively on his tasks.
3. Biweekly Sprint Retrospective, Thursday afternoon, 2 hours, All team members discuss how the previous sprint went, what challenges occurred and actions for the next sprint are defined. The contractor will also provide their input in the discussion. After that, the contractor works iteratively on their tasks.
4. Biweekly Sprint Planning, Thursday afternoon 2 hours. The Product Owner and the Development Team define what will be the tasks for the next sprint, based on the availability, priorities and users feedback. After that, the contractor works iteratively on their tasks.

Creation, revision, and refinement of a user research plan. The contractor is asked to
-   review the user research methodologies and suggest appropriate way forward
-   write research questions 
-   define the number of users to be interviewed
-   conduct the interviews in person and remote 
-   analyze the research data 
-   create a synthesis for the problem
-   create a user journey and service blueprint of the users unmet need
The final user research plan is to be presented to the team and reviewed with the other team members. The research outcome defines the objectives of the contractor's work, including brainstorming various solutions to the users unmet need.

Preparation and setup of formative and summative feedback session:
-   usability studies with various prototypes
This involves:
-   setup, conduction and document observations of participants using a prototype of the MVP Final signature to be provided by the UX lead or product owner. These are checked and released by BI
-   analyzing qualitative data such as opinions and description of their experience and study recordings
-   Uploading all files on the team's tool stack: Teams / Confluence / Mural. 
-   Presenting and sharing all results to the team in scrum team meetings, revising the files as needed after review with the team.
-   Iterate based on outcome and continue with discovery

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