Please note: the service contract for this position will not be concluded with Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH but with GULP Consulting Services GmbH

Boehringer Ingelheim

Creative Strategist (m/f/n)

Posted May 30, 2022
Project ID: BIJP00000794
Ingelheim am Rhein
32 hrs/week
7 months
Starts: May 30, 2022
Ends: Dec 23, 2022
Payrate range
Application Deadline: May 30, 2022 12:00 PM

The service is requested as part of the Nina C program:

The NINA-C initiative is aiming to explore successful digital means of patient engagement for NASH patient throughout a clinical trial that will span several years. Its main challenge will be to sustain engagement of participants over a long period of time, while creating value for both patients as well as BI. 

This includes the continuous discovery of the valuable interactions of the patient with their clinical trial environment and converting those interactions in the software solution which would contain data science heavy component.

There is currently no one available from the internal employees with sufficient expertise in connecting data science in the medical field and product discovery expertise and therefore we are seeking external service to fill in this gap.

The team composition is around 7 people, including UX designer, BE engineer, FE engineer, and Data Scientist. The team is set up from scratch so not familiar with the product they will be working on. At the same time the team members most probably know each other as they have previously worked together in the past MVPs. Product Owner is a medical expert without a digital/tech or Agile competency.

Tasks for the Scrum Master/Agile Coach:
We work in agile manner, most probably in a 2-week iterations, with the following ceremonies in addition to ad-hoc meetings. The contractor will work iteratively in between those meetings.

a.   Daily standup, 15 mins every week day

In the context of the stand-up the contractor will facilitate the event so that all team members actively update each other on the tasks they are currently working which will lead to achieving the sprint goal. Contractor keeps track of the impediments which may prevent the team from achieving their sprint goal, and designs follow up actions to resolve the impediments.

b.   Biweekly Sprint Review, on average 60 mins, with all stakeholders

During the sprint review, the team presents to the stakeholders an overview of the work done during the sprint, and answers their questions. Contractor prepares and facilitates the sprint review meeting, records feedback to the product from the stakeholders and adds this feedback to the agenda of the consecutive planning of the next sprint.

c.   Biweekly Sprint Retrospective, on average 2 hours

All team members discuss how the previous sprint went, what challenges occurred and actions for the next sprint are defined

Contractor prepares, facilitates the retrospective and designs follow up activities resulting from the retrospective.

d.   Biweekly Sprint Planning, 2 hours

The Product Owner and the Development Team define what will be the tasks for the next sprint, based on the availability, priorities and users feedback. 

Contractor proposes design for, prepares necessary input and facilitates the sprint planning. As the outcome of the planning contractor assembles sprint backlog items into the sprint backlog with clearly set ?definition of done? criteria, prioritized by importance.

In addition to the ceremonies, the contractor will also organize and facilitate team building activities (e.g. team alignment workshop and team canvas) with the purpose of defining common goals for the team, the product vision, understanding the roles and personalities of each member, defining the working model and working agreements.

The contractor will consult (based on his/her experience) the team on the success metric frameworks (e.g. Objectives and Key Results) and will facilitate the implementation of the selected framework; he/she will also create transparency for the progress of the team towards the MVP goal by visualizing and discussing the metrics with the team at least every sprint.

The contractor will be participating in the weekly meeting with other Scrum Masters at BI X (Agile Coaching Chapter meeting) to update them on the current status of the initiatative, share his/her lessons learned and seek the lessons learned from other Scrum Masters working on parallel initiatives.

The tools available include:
MS Teams and the Microsoft 365 suite of online tools

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