Please note: the service contract for this position will not be concluded with Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH but with GULP Consulting Services GmbH

Boehringer Ingelheim

Creative Consultant - UX researcher (m/f/n)

Posted Oct 20, 2021
Project ID: BIJP00000680
Ingelheim am Rhein
32 hrs/week
1 month
Starts: Nov 1, 2021
Ends: Dec 17, 2021
Payrate range

Project name 
Intranet “MyBI Next” UX Research & Design // Microsoft O365 Intranet re-design & re-platforming

Project description
In MyBI Way Forward Phase I, the groundwork was done for the move of MyBI SharePoint (SP) 2013 on-prem to SharePoint Online (SPO) in the cloud. The information architecture, rollout-plan and MVP were delivered.

In this Phase II project, we will complete development of the full functionalities required for MyBI, and the full migration, leading to decommission of MyBI SP2013.

-   Complete MyBI migration to SPO, and decommission MyBI SP2013


Scope of the project is to complete user research and development of functionality required for full re-platforming, including: 

- Local/OPU/ROPU landing pages/navigation/information architecture
- Functional landing page
- Search optimization
- Governance including content re-platforming

The project team aims to enhance homepage iterations, as we continue to do user research and build more functionality. We also want to re-platform functional, global, and local MyBI content in wave-based approach. For each area, this will include training of all editors, content mapping, site provisioning, page build and cutover. By conducting Change Management, we want to complete creation of training materials, job aids, Editor Community communications, end user communications. Ultimately in Q2/2022, the MyBI legacy based on SP2013 will be decommissioned.

The service is requested as part of the project “MyBI Next” which aims to completely overhaul our Intranet experience starting in 2021 and finishing by end of Q1/Q2 2022. To inform design decision making the remaining year will be used to set a foundation in terms of user experience by driving related research and design activities. The project is to be delivered agile.

Background to the assignment
The background of the assignment is that it is necessary to hire an external specialist because he/she has expertise necessary for certain parts of the project, mainly UX Research and Design in the light of MS Office 365 context that is not available internally. The external employee will be allocated to the Intranet project only. 

Concrete, detailed description of services

-   Service will be coordinated iteratively between the parties within the framework of sprint meetings and implemented independently by the contractor within the sprints following the sprint meetings. The Contractor will check before each sprint meeting, based on its professional opinion/skills, which individual services it considers appropriate and feasible within the scope of its commissioning in the respective sprint.

-   Sprint length is going to be 2-4 weeks. 

-   Indication of "daily meetings", if these take place within the sprints, as well as that in these meetings the respective technical requirements for the services to be provided.
We anticipate sprints of 2-4 weeks (to be decided by the Scrum Master) with the following ceremonies, 
1. Daily standup, 15 mins every weekday. During the daily standup, all team members provide an update on the tasks they have worked on the previous day. After that, the contractor works iteratively on his tasks.
2. Monthly or bi-weekly Sprint Review, 30-120 mins, with all stakeholders. During the sprint review, the team presents to the stakeholders the impediment of the product during the last sprint. After that, the contractor works iteratively on his tasks.
3. Monthly or bi-weekly Sprint Retrospective, 1,5 hours, All team members discuss how the previous sprint went, what challenges occurred and actions for the next sprint are defined. The contractor will also provide his input in the discussion. After that, the contractor works iteratively on his tasks.
4. Monthly or bi-weekly Sprint Planning, 2,5-4 hours, The Product Owner and the Development Team are defining what will be the tasks for the next sprint, based on the availability, work effort and users feedback. After that, the contractor works iteratively on his tasks.
5. Monthly or bi-weekly Product Refining, 30-120 mins, The product log is being reviewed and the tasks are being reprioritized if necessary. After that, the contractor works iteratively on his tasks.

- Plan and execute user research for our project using appropriate qualitative and quantitative research methods. 
- Communicate research results and consult key stakeholders across the organization to take user-centric design approaches into account. 
- Share results and consult on user experience architecture and design from end-to-end, including user research, wireframes, prototypes, and usability testing. 
- Translate and transfer UX research into system/technical customization and configurations requirements to project team.

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