Please note: the service contract for this position will not be concluded with Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH but with GULP Consulting Services GmbH

Boehringer Ingelheim

Consultant System Connectivity (m/f/n)

Posted Dec 23, 2021
Project ID: BIJP00000725
Ingelheim am Rhein
40 hrs/week
6 months
Starts: Jan 31, 2022
Ends: Jul 29, 2022
Payrate range
Application Deadline: Jan 17, 2022 12:00 AM

Project name: Global Batch Traceability

Project description
The Global Batch Traceability project has the goal to implement SAP GBT and connect it with the ERP landscape. SAP GBT is a SAP system used for batch genealogy. 
A pharmaceutical company has to provide the capability of tracking batches and linking them with business activities (batch genealogy) along the supply chain. 
Today at Boehringer Ingelheim (BI) this capability is supported through reporting functionality in ERP systems. To conduct an investigation for e.g. a particular finished good batch (top-down analysis) one has to access several ERP systems, run various reports to collect and then manually consolidate the data. Consequently, we do not have our own employees with sufficient expertise in connection with HP ALM and for this reason requires external expertise.
The project implements the GBT system and connects to 2 main global SAP ERP source systems with standardized and harmonized processes and a central process governance in place. The level of coverage of commercial and operations sites and their data will continuously grow over time. 
The project will be run in agile sprint methodology. 

Background to the assignment
The project will be run in agile sprint methodology with the individual sprints following standard ceremonies such as daily standup, regular sprint review, sprint retrospective, sprint planning 
1.   Daily standup, 15 mins every week day, During the daily standup, team members provide an update on the tasks they have worked on the previous day. After that, the contractor works iteratively on tasks.
2. Biweekly Sprint Review, approx. 30 mins, with stakeholders, During the sprint review, the team presents to the stakeholders the impediment of the product during the last sprint. After that, the contractor works iteratively on tasks.
4. Sprint Planning (JF), approx. 2,5 hours, The Product Owner and the Development Team are defining what will be the tasks for the next sprint, based on the availability, work effort and users feedback. After that, the contractor works iteratively on tasks.
5. Product Refining, The product log is being reviewed and the tasks are being reprioritized if necessary. 

Prior to each sprint meeting, the contractor shall independently check, on the basis of their professional expertise, which individual services to deliver in each sprint

After that, the contractor works iteratively on his/her own tasks.
The contractor to be used by us has extensive experience with such projects that require HP ALM testing skills, therefore the contractor has a unique position and provides significantly different services than the internal project staff.

Concrete, detailed description of services

The goal of the work of the contractor is to deliver the necessary documentation to deliver the GBT project. 
BI provides the contractor with relevant accesses, templates, basics, methodology at the start of the engagement.
The scope of services includes the following tasks, which are independently performed by the external contractor:

  • Development of new test documentation in HP ALM test tool (test plan, test scripts) for the GBT system as per BI GBS methodology 
    • write test documents as per methodology
    • plan and manage the test execution as per the test documentation as per methodology
    • perform and records the tests according to methodology. The contractor is only providing the service of performing and recording the test in the HP ALM test tool as per methodology. 
  • Write new GBT process documentation in MS Word, Visio and Powerpoint as per BI methodology and as per tests written above.
    • Write new GBT training documents and new GBT key user communications. 
    • The documents produced by the contractor will be checked and validated by BI. 
  • perform user virtual training activities of the GBT users which will be organized by BI.
  • Update of system documentation (User requirements, test documentation) according to GXP (Good x Procedures) validation rules as instructed by BI GBT project management.

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